Top can come off and snap back on especially if you want to refill it using the bigger bottles of barbecue sauce when cooking

instead of throwing your bottles out you can reuse them to refill by taking off the inside top and buy the bigger bottle sauces and save you money instead all you gotta do is pull it off with by sticking the edge of a knife or fork or something small and it pops right off fill the bottle up and the cap snaps right back on tight especially if you own a restaurant business and be buying the big bottles you can cut down cost by using smaller bottles by refilling instead

Cast iron skillet best to fry in last for decades and they don't burn up like normal pans

cast iron skillets have been around for decades family owned business started by Joseph lodge 1877 he started his journey with small business creating good quality skillets that you can cook in doors and outdoors going camping you can make full meals like breakfast lunch and dinner food doesn't stick in them easy to wash no scraping food no soaking them out last way longer than those aluminum pans they make than burn always gotta put them in soak before you wash them lodge skillet now comes in all types of designs pizza pans ,flat pans ,pots,deep dish skillets and more you can get them at Walmart buy them as a set or individually


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