
Showing posts with the label garlic butter pork chops

Never buy glass measuring cups you need plastic one like this because anything hot can make it bust cutting up your hands

glass measuring cups can't hold to much heat or it will expand and explode in your hands causing injuries so its best to get thick plastic ones their is several cups to pick from including this one i bought called good cook profreshionals 2 cup plastic measuring cup from Walmart for $3.44 its reasonable price and easy to keep clean doesn't stain especially pouring sauces from it

Garlic butter pork chops with pinto beans on the side to make a full meal keeps anybody from being hungry

pork chops instead of always putting sauce on them i had to change it up and put something i haven't done yet some garlic and butter on them what you wanna do is Wash them all off take your fork and poke Holes in each one than rub The butter than garlic all over each one once the pan gets hot with the grease put them in the pan don't have the stove eye to high you wanna flip each one until they get good and brown on each side have a bowl ready with paper towel in it to soak up any grease on them you need to let them cool down some with the pinto beans only takes few seaondsto cook up in a pot upu can make them regular or add some seasonings to them

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