
Showing posts from December, 2024

Top can come off and snap back on especially if you want to refill it using the bigger bottles of barbecue sauce when cooking

instead of throwing your bottles out you can reuse them to refill by taking off the inside top and buy the bigger bottle sauces and save you money instead all you gotta do is pull it off with by sticking the edge of a knife or fork or something small and it pops right off fill the bottle up and the cap snaps right back on tight especially if you own a restaurant business and be buying the big bottles you can cut down cost by using smaller bottles by refilling instead

Never buy glass measuring cups you need plastic one like this because anything hot can make it bust cutting up your hands

glass measuring cups can't hold to much heat or it will expand and explode in your hands causing injuries so its best to get thick plastic ones their is several cups to pick from including this one i bought called good cook profreshionals 2 cup plastic measuring cup from Walmart for $3.44 its reasonable price and easy to keep clean doesn't stain especially pouring sauces from it

Portable tables keeps you from spilling food all over your lap eating in the car especially when you traveling long distance

portable tables come in handy when eating food in home in bed watching TV and sitting on the couch but the car we all have eaten food in the car and spilled food either on clothing and the floor but putting a table prevents that from happening especially filming a video about it something like a big full corse meal with alot of sauce dripping don't want that all over the place table can catch it instead other than that you're be at car wash trying to get food stains out or replacing interior

Creating your own style of donuts you can find this donut pan at Walmart for the low price of $9.97 right now in the kitchen aisle

donuts come in billion different designs all over the world from big to small sizes but this pan now you can create your own style of tasty donuts and sell them in the neighborhood especially if people are enjoying it you can add your own ingredients add something in between them these pans easy to wash it only holds up to six donuts each time

Garlic bacon and oven roasted turkey breast siders on Hawaiian rolls with black pepper cheese and lettuce

you love bacon and oven roasted turkey than your definitely going to enjoy them together on one sandwich i to all them sliders these sliders are good to make just simple ingredients combined together all you gotta do is fry your favorite bacon first or you can get already cooked bacon just heat it up with The Hawaiian rolls add garlic butter to them so they can toast the eay you like them i prefer lightly toasted one the rolls and bacon done start adding lettuce bacon cheese add just small amounts of black pepper to much going to mess it all up ready to eat up

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Members mark aluminum sheet pans two in one pack for $14.36 I picked up from Sam's club because they are much bigger than the ones I had before trying to cook with in the oven