
Showing posts from November, 2024

Top can come off and snap back on especially if you want to refill it using the bigger bottles of barbecue sauce when cooking

instead of throwing your bottles out you can reuse them to refill by taking off the inside top and buy the bigger bottle sauces and save you money instead all you gotta do is pull it off with by sticking the edge of a knife or fork or something small and it pops right off fill the bottle up and the cap snaps right back on tight especially if you own a restaurant business and be buying the big bottles you can cut down cost by using smaller bottles by refilling instead

Sixty second meal to create these two foods can make a great meal so you won't be hungry and get you though the day

ok what you need to do is wash off the sausage good doesn't take but few seconds because you taking it out a sealed pack than you get out your cutting board always rinse it off before you use it especially cutting on it lay down The sausage hold it down than grab you're sharpest knife start cutting it up in small pieces because you're going to boil them instead of frying them once done sit it to the side the rotini pasta noodles you don't need water at all just rip open put the pack in the microwave set the time to sixty seconds its that easy once microwave stop grab kitchen glove to remove the pack because it's going to be hot get you a bowl add the sausage now pour the rotini pasta noodles on top add Italian seasoning stir up and it's ready to eat you can sdd you're favorite sauces to really spice it up

Beef& Bean Burritos made in the oven instead of the pan cones out much better and crisper you can add sides with it' or eat them by itself with sauce

burritos comes in many different styles you want to cook some people like chicken , steak fish,rib,its so many to pick from but i created beef and bean burritos made them in the oven instead of skillet pan oven gives it that crispy tortilla shell instead of fried you can add your favorite ingredients and make it the way you want to eat it especially putting something to Go as side dish or dipping sauce like hot sauce or cheese i was going to use duck sauce but i rather save it for chicken or egg rolls going to Cook up soon

Hickory smoked dogs wrapped in buttery flavored biscuit dough toasted brown you can add whatever dipping sauce you want to it

best dogs to use is Nathans gotta make sure you always wash them off before you cut them up next you want to cut them up small put them in a bowl next you can create your own dough by using flour or get Pillsbury dough flatten it out and cut it in small slices add hickory smoked seasoning to the dogs or use sauce it's up to you than you want to add butter on each dough strip and wrap them around dogs you cut up then turn on the oven to 400 degrees put them in it only takes few minutes to cook once brown take it out don't want to burn them up

Baster is three in one set that comes with cleaning brush and the flavor injection needle that can boost whst you cooking

cooking entire meats like rib's, steak's, chicken,whole chicken , hamburgers , and so much more but you don't have the right equipment to brush on ingredients or inject flavor ingredients well here's The farberware professional three in one baster from Walmart for low price of $8.97 the brush that comes with it keeps any grease and other build up from being in it when you wash it because you cant have dirty baster using it on food to feed people especially if you own a restaurant could be shut down making people sick so you always keep your utensils sanitized right

eight piece measuring cup set by Mainstays it has all sizes you need to measure the right seasoning when you cooking up something

when cooking using seasoning you sometimes have to measure it right or you can over fo it and put to much in the meal and make it salty and have to throw it all out so measuring cup you definitely need there's are Mainstays either measuring cups from Walmart less than $4 dollars for the entire set you get 1/4 cup,1/2 cup,2/3 cup,1 cup,1/4 tsp,1/2 tsp ,1 tsp and 1 tbsp comes on big ring that you can hang up to get at it much quicker than going into a drawer to reach at it cups are easy to wash because it's plastic instead of steel that can rust over the year's

Three cheese garlic knots with marinara dipping sauce these are not your normal size garlic knots They are bigger

garlic knots by itself is so goo and buttery but when you add some cheese on it taste bud's going to explode but adding Three different cheese's at the same time is going to be extremely tasty what you need is mozzarella cheese , smoked provolone cheese , and Parmesan cheese add all of it on the garlic knots before you put them in the oven once they done than you want to start on the marinara dipping sauce easy to make with ingredients or you can just buy it already made up together from your favorite store's to shop

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